. . . the overturning of Roe v. Wade, we give thanks to the Lord for the great thing He has done!
Since the Supreme Court's ruling, the abortion issue has been front and center in nearly all forms of the media, stirring up a battle cry on both sides of the issue. We watch thousands standing toe-to-toe as the pro-abortion forces fight to defend their right to take the life of their unborn children through all stages of gestation up to birth, while others hold their ground in defense of those children who are unable to defend themselves.
I have been hearing people say things like, “I have never seen anything like this before.” Others are just now waking up to the realization of the barbaric murder of pre-born children by the multiplied millions, taking place right under their noses for the last fifty years. As they are waking up to this holocaust, they are saying, “Where was I all these years?”
I fully believe that I would have been a part of this group, coming out of their indifference and slumber, if it had not been for the influence of my mother and father. They each saw the handwriting on the wall when this battle was first raging in the late sixties, as feminists fought hard for the right to kill their pre-born children. Therefore, fifty-four years ago, I joined my parents in the political arena to prevent the legalization of abortion. From there I helped to open one of the first crisis pregnancy centers, did post-abortion counseling, opened a maternity home, joined Operation Rescue, and sidewalk counseled. All this resulted in being pushed, spit on, handcuffed, beaten, injured by nunchakus, shackled, and arrested twenty-four times. This battle is not new to me. It has been raging for me all these years, and the realization of what was happening behind clinic doors has been all too familiar, and constantly painful for me.
Unfortunately, the numbers of us battling all these years was low in comparison to what we see now. I am so encouraged to see the numbers of pro-life warriors swell in the last year, especially the younger generation. Their energy and determination to stand for righteousness brings much hope.
The battle, however, is just beginning as abortion is still available and promoted in many states as well as the abortion pill being made so easily available. In the epilogue of my memoir, Only If God Says So! I wrote, “Abortion is powerfully linked to all other moral issues that plague our land. Abortion is the head of the monster, and it must be destroyed! If it is not, I believe that the strife and discord our nation is experiencing will not only continue, but will grow in intensity. Some say that the battle is between political parties or liberals and conservatives, but it is simply a battle between good and evil, as it always has been since the beginning of time. It's nothing new—it's just more apparent at this moment in our history because the lines between us are no longer blurred.”
Let us be
encouraged by this victory we are celebrating now, and continue to
look to the Lord to equip us with His grace, mercy, and love so that our lights will shine brightly into the darkness of our world,
bringing hope in the name of Jesus. How much more we will have to celebrate then!
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